
Region.Expert is the international webzine on regionalism and federalism in Russia.

Chief editor — Vadim Shtepa.

A letter from the Chief editor: The feature of our webzine is to cover events not from the usual Moscow-centrist positions, as is customary in the Russian media, but from the point of view of different regions. I hope our publications will be interesting to international researchers. In the future, we plan to launch an English version of the webzine, but so far we have very limited resources. We will be very grateful for your support!  www.paypal.me /regionexpert

Articles in English:

Manifesto of Russian Regionalism by Mikhail Epstein

Regionalism is the Nationalism of the Next Russian Revolution by Paul Goble

Russia’s Post-Moscow Civilisation by Sergey Kornev

Russia’s «Window to Europe» Slammed Shut: How the Kremlin Took Revenge on Finland by Vadim Shtepa

Rationalism As an Instrument of Post-Russian Change by Vitaly Ginzburg

From Wishful Thinking to Real Analytics and Practice by Vadim Shtepa

Japanese Experience and Far Eastern Regionalism by Vadim Shtepa

Can the Green Wedge be reborn? by Paul Goble

Russia’s Regionalisation Is Preordained. Interview with Vadim Shtepa for the European Human Rights Dialogue

De-Colonization of Russia Requires De-Nuclearization of Moscow by Paul Goble

Glocalization in Post-Russia by Vadim Shtepa

We have been publishing Region.Expert for 6 years already. 2025 New Year’s address from the editorial board

Регион.Эксперт, 2019-2025... @ Все права защищены